Beautiful pics of Sarah Shahi and Sarah Paulson feet & legs

Sarah Shahi, born Aahoo Jhansouzshahi in Euless Texas with her Iranian mother and a Spanish-Iranian father. She was an NFL cheerleader and a descendant of the 19th century Persian Shah. She attended Trinity High School in Dallas and Southern Methodist University where she studied English as well as opera and English major. She was crowned Miss Fort Worth USA in beauty contests as a teenager and was crowned Miss Fort Worth USA 1997. She became part of the Dallas Cowboys 1999-2000 cheerleaders. The Cowboys also featured her on their cover 2000 calendar. Sarah Shahi has opened up about her union with Steve Howey, the actor. She quit Iran together with her father just two years before Iran's Revolution. They fled together with their father after the American embassy, where his job was a failure under the Shah in 1979. Her mother, the child of an Iranian father and the same Spanish mom was born in Spain. Paulson is most well-known for her many television shows with Ryan Murphy. She was the lead actress in nine seasons of his anthology series American Horror Story from 2011 through 2021. The series earned her five Primetime Emmy Award nominations. Holland Virginia Taylor is an American actor. Taylor was awarded in 1999 the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress on a Drama Series in the role of the Judge Roberta Kittleson on ABC's The Practice.

pics Saraya-Jade Bevis a feet & legs pics Saraya-Jade Bevis b feet & legs pics Sarah Shahi c feet & legs pics Sarah Shahi d feet & legs pics Sarah Shahi e feet & legs pics Sarah Shahi f feet & legs pics Sarah Shahi g feet & legs pics Sarah Paulson h feet & legs pics Sarah Paulson i feet & legs pics Sarah Paulson j feet & legs


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